Tuesday, June 14, 2011

2 more weeks!!

So, two more weeks until I go into see my psychiatrist. I'm excited because it might be the day she takes me completely off of Zoloft! I am SO ready to be done with these side effects and withdrawal symptoms! Ever since I reduced the dose to 25mg, I've had chills daily! I am ALWAYS cold! It's the worst feeling!

I don't remember if I wrote about this yet, but I have good news to report. Since lowering my dose, I have been experiencing a wider range of emotions. I laugh more now, I become hyper at times and at other times, I am irritable. I am feeling like the old me, which is nice. I was way too mellow on the drugs! Oh and something new is, I am now a morning person! I used to hate the mornings, but now I've noticed that I am very happy and even sometimes hyper in the morning, lol! My kids love it!

I will be back to write an update after my appt in two weeks! Wish me luck!

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