Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So as of yesterday, May 23rd, I am down to 25mg of Zoloft. So far, so good. I have been really moody lately (mostly irritable), but I've been on my period since Friday, so I am attributing it to that. This morning, I worked out on the Wii Fit for 30 minutes. I am going to try to get back into a regular workout routine, where I workout three times a week for at least 30 minutes. I have also changed my diet. Thao and I are now on a vegetarian diet. We've been eating this way for at least a month. I've been cooking 5-6 days a week and it's from scratch. The meals are very tasty and satisfying. The kids still eat meat at school, but at home it's vegetarian, unless we eat out. As of today, I am at 170 lbs. My goal is to be at around 135. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist in about 4 weeks so she can see how things are going and then she'll probably keep slowly reducing my dosage.


  1. Good luck! Can I ask when you started the meds? I have put on 15lbs with Lexapro in a year. Ugh. Even with a healthy diet and exercise, it still crept up on me! Yuck!

  2. Hi Karri! :) I started on antidepressants 2 1/2 years ago. I had postpartum psychosis after my third child was born. Since being on the meds, I've gained 48 lbs!! I'm sorry that you've gained weight too! Have you talked to your doctor about it? For me, I was dieting and exercising and I would lose some weight, but not a significant amount and when I stopped working out/dieting, I would put the weight back on plus some. So, once I hit 170, I drew the line and talked to my doctor about it and that's when she decided to wean me off. I feel confident about it since it's been a while and I am doing well.
