Monday, July 18, 2011

Checking in! Doing great!! :D

So, I thought I'd give a little update. It's been 20 days since I stopped the Zoloft and I am happy to report that I am feeling great! The first week or so was rough. I had nausea and brain zaps everyday, but after I started taking Omega 3 Fish Oil tablets, the nausea and brain zaps went away!! As far as my emotions go, I am experiencing a wide range of emotions. I am honestly much happier these days, the happiest I have ever been, actually! I laugh a lot now. I am also very confident and happy. I do experience irritability at times, like during my period and also if I wait too long to eat. I also experience irritability when I am really tired. But I think all of those things are normal. The emotions I haven't experienced are depression and sadness, but I am very happy about that! I have experienced a little anxiety, which happened this morning, after waking up from a nightmare! I've had nightmares almost every night lately, which is highly disturbing. Some of them involve things that haven't happened, but are fears of mine and some of them involve things that have happened in the past. They are all disturbing. I am hoping that the nightmares go away after a while because I don't like feeling disturbed!

As far as my weight goes, I am down one lb as of this morning. I am at 172 lbs. I think I am losing weight because I have been peeing a lot lately and I know for sure it isn't an infection. I pee large amounts and there is no pain. I've also been sweating more. So, I have a feeling I am losing water weight. I've started exercising again. I'm working out three times a week using the Wii Gold's Gym Dance Workout. I've also been swimming several times a week. I am also on a mainly vegetarian diet. I eat chicken or turkey sometimes when I am out, but I don't cook with meat. I'm also eating smaller portions lately and I tend to get grossed out by sweets. I still eat ice cream and candy sometimes, but I can't eat too much of it because I get grossed out.

I also want to say that I feel so blessed with all of the wonderful friends and family in my life (including my husband, of course). They have all been so supportive and loving and I just appreciate all of them so much!! I'm also able to be there for some of them that are going through or have been through similar situations. I love all of you guys, you know who you are! <3

Also, I am taking a bunch of vitamins that seem to be helping. Along with the Fish Oil, I am taking Vitamin E, Mega B, Calcium/magnesium/zinc/D, Biotin, Acidopholis, and gummy multi-vitamins. Also, my parents are bringing me some Liver and Kidney Cleanse pills, which will help clean out my liver, after being on the meds for 3 1/2 years.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I will be back soon for another update. :)


  1. So happy for you Heather, you are doing great. I am here to support you all the way.
    Thanks for sharing. Love you sweety, mom
